Pure Air Blend


Are there off-putting odours in your home? Looking for ways to cleanse your air at home without synthetic chemicals? Then use Pure Air Blend to purify your air. Pure Air Blend contains Ponderosa Pine, Western Red Cedar, Engelmann Spruce and Big Sagebrush oils.

    - Ponderosa Pine oil, the major oil of this blend, has a high monoterpene content (e.g. pinenes, deta-3-carene, limonene, etc.), which help alleviate respiratory concerns

    - Western Red Cedar oil contains thujones and terpinen-4-ol, which can kill microorganisms

    - Engelmann Spruce oil contains a high concentration of limonene, which may help with respiratory issues

    - Big Sagebrush oil has been observed to help with respiratory complaints because it contains camphor, which helps reduce coughs, and 1,8-cineole, which helps thin mucus

    - Add a few drops of Pure Air Blend into a diffuser to purify the air

    - Consult with a qualified aromatherapy practitioner or your physician prior to using essential oils with children, the elderly, pregnant or nursing women, and those with medical issues or are taking medications

    - Always dilute essential oils prior to use.

    - Do not apply any essential oils internally, eyes, inner ears and other sensitive areas, even if diluted

    - Western Red Cedar oil contains high amounts of thujone and camphor, which can be neurotoxic at high concentrations; therefore, this blend is not recommended to use topically (e.g. only use for aromatic purposes)

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